Loan Insurance
Loan protection Insurance
Loan protection insurance is designed to help policyholders by providing financial support in time of need. Whether the need is due to disability or unemployment, this insurance can help cover monthly loan payments and protect the insured from default.
Land lord Protection Insurance
Landlord loan insurance is designed to help protect your investment property. As well as providing cover for damage caused by defined events such as fire, storms and flooding, it may also provide cover for accidental or malicious damage caused by tenants and loss of rent due to tenants not paying or because the property has been left in an uninhabitable state.

Home Loan insurance
Homeowners loan insurance is a form of property insurance, that covers losses and damages to an individual’s house and assets in the home. Homeowners loan insurance also provides liability coverage against accidents in the home or on the property.
Home Contents Loan Insurance
Contents loan insurance covers the financial cost of repairing or replacing your household personal possessions and furnishings, such as curtains, furniture, white goods, stereo, TV, computers and other electrical appliances, clothing, jewellery, sporting equipment and even toys.

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